Hoàng Dũng’s love song “Thói Quen” has been a fan favourite since its original release. The song revolves around a guy’s despair after a breakup who can not move on from his ex-lover. However, in a live music show named “25 Mét Vuông”, the song “Thói Quen” which serves as the opening track, sounds like a brand-new song with an improvised arrangement in melody while still preserving the distinctive melody and riffs of its original...

For the first time in the MV “Toả Sáng Việt Nam”, the collaboration of musician Bùi Công Nam, singer Miu Lê, and rapper GDucky piqued the excitement of the music-loving community. The musician is known for a string of massive hits that tell stories about everyday life, a singer with a melancholy voice for love songs, and a rapper who is without fear to show his true color. credit: “Toả Sáng Việt Nam” MV The...