After launching a teaser of his new song, Andiez Nam Truong officially launched the first MV on October 22, 2018 – “Mai Mai Se Het Vao Ngay Mai”. This release was welcomed by many young fans because it contains many concepts about the love and pain of young people after breaking up. Previously, Andiez was the artist of a series of hits which were loved by many young people such as the songs “Doa Hoa...

In this MV, Andiez just appears a few seconds without showing his face. ‘’Mai Mai Se Het Vao Het Vao Ngay Mai” is Andiez first MV which is shot in Da Lat, one of the best romantic destinations for the youth in Vietnam. The MV is about the couple’s romantic love in the first scenes but then we can realize that it is totally in his mind. He is severely distressed when he keeps thinking...