Do you have a skinc...

Do you have a skincare routine?  

2,561 lotus-flower
Posts: 185
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I know it may be a bit vain but I would like to start taking care of my skin more seriously so it remains youthful as long as possible. I turned 30 a few months ago and I am not ready to start showing signs of aging! haha

Do you have a skincare routine? Do you notice results? 

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6 Replies
2,548 lotus-flower
Posts: 183
Joined: 3 years ago

I just use some typical sensitive care face wash and use a serum with vitamin A in it. 

Nothing fancy. I don't think you need a bunch of different products. Just find a good wash you like and some light serum. 

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2,530 lotus-flower
Posts: 184

@teresanguyen I agree with this!

As for me, I just wash my face with a bar soap I like that has natural ingredients. It removes my mak-up well enough. I have a few creams. One for in the morning and one for at night.

2,461 lotus-flower
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I just wash my face with whatever when I shower. I don't fuss over it. I think it is more important to mind what you eat and drink. Just make sure you drink enough water and your diet is high in vitamin C and you will be fine.

2,390 lotus-flower
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I have a standard face wash I use daily. I don't have any kind of creams or anything like that. I think @readysetgo is right. It matters more what you put in your body than on it.

1,706 lotus-flower
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I just wash with cold water. I never use soap on my face as the skin on your face is a lot more sensitive. Everyone in my family ages well so maybe I just have good genes. 

2,251 lotus-flower
Posts: 180
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I just paraben-free bar soap to wash in the morning. I can't remember the brand of it. My sister got me using it for my issues with acne. It has tea tree or something in it. I don't like using creams or anything on my face since it is prone to breaking out.


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