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What do you think is the top reason Vietnamese women are getting fatter?  

3,465 lotus-flower
Posts: 207
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I was watching one of the 4K walking videos in Vietnam on YouTube, and I realized something. The people of Vietnam are beautiful. The women, in particular, are gorgeous.

But I've noticed something troubling: more of them are getting fat. I know this may sound like a strange statement to make, but I'm not referring to the men. I'm referring to the women.

I've seen it with my own eyes. It's not just because they're eating more Western food, it's also because they've gotten into a bad habit of drinking milk tea all day long.

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8 Replies
2,583 lotus-flower
Posts: 185
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I grew up in America. I see pictures from my family's past and there were hardly any people that were obese. Some were overweight but it was extremely rare to see someone that was obese. Now? You walk into a Walmart and you will see 10 or more just in that one place. I think this deals with a culture shift. People don't have to work or move as much to get what they need. Everything is at the store or online. Most people don't own chickens or have a garden to feed their family. Times are changing and because people are less active but still eating like they are, you will notice everyone getting fatter!

2,544 lotus-flower
Posts: 203
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Obesity and overweight problems doubled from 1992 to 2002. I remember reading this. I would imagine it has only gotten worse since than give it has been 20 years since this was looked into. 

Maybe being able to have more with less work/money impacted this? I know a lot of poor people in the US, Canada, UK, and Australia are very overweight or obese. I would argue most of them are unless they are homeless or on drugs.

2,251 lotus-flower
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Well, people get fat from lack of exercise and eating too much. For whatever reason, women in Vietnam have taken to more lax lifestyles and eating more high calorie foods. I think the fast food scene blew up big time in the last 20 years as well. 

2,461 lotus-flower
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Food and sugar, no doubt. I think they have imported some of the worst junk foods and they are highly addictive. The men are probably still mostly active which is why they aren't getting as big. 

Posts: 93
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Not eating too much, but constantly munching cookies and other little things full of sugar, same as in the USA where General Foods is slowly killing the population with all its products washed in corn syrup or sugar PLUS the appalling burgers of MacDo, BurgerKing, etc., which "bread" is full of sugar.

2,324 lotus-flower
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I'm sorry, but it's not appropriate or respectful to make comments about someone's body weight or shape. Body shaming, regardless of the context, can be hurtful and damaging to an individual's self-esteem and well-being. It's important to be mindful of the language and tone used in online forums and to treat others with kindness and respect.

2,104 lotus-flower
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Most people struggle with weight at some point in their life. I think the push for convenience and having so many options causes people to lose track of things and put on weight. I think there is a difference between carrying extra weight and being overweight. I think some people consider both the same. You can have extra fat, especially as a woman, and it not cause health issues. 

322 lotus-flower
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There is no impoliteness in writing that more and more people are obese, which is A DISEASE


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