Cats or Dogs?

Cats or Dogs?  

2,381 lotus-flower
Posts: 185
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When it comes to pets, if you had to choose between having one or the other, not both... Which would you want as a pet and why?

I used to love dogs when I was a kid but as I got older, I liked cats more and more and now I would much rather own cats. I think they are easier to take care of as well.

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6 Replies
7,981 lotus-flower
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I'm definitely a dog person. When I was a baby, my dog had bitten me once. After that time I absolutely love them a lot, so weird right kk

2,460 lotus-flower
Posts: 189
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I prefer cats but I like both. I guess if I had to choose only one, cats would win for me. They offer a different kind of companionship and are less to care for. I feel like you have to always worry about plans and trips when you have a dog.

1,993 lotus-flower
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I'm more of a cat person, mainly because of how easier they are to take care of than dogs and other pets. You can kinda let them do their own thing sometimes. But dogs are great too, I prefer cats more though. 

2,461 lotus-flower
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I like dogs. I have never much cared for cats. Honestly, most cats seem to hate me. Not sure why. I was afraid of them when I was a child as well.

2,548 lotus-flower
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Cats for me. They are easier to care for and require less space. Plus I don't have to take them for walks! I have had cats since I was like 7 years old. Never been a dog person. 

2,561 lotus-flower
Posts: 185
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I like both but only when they are well-behaved. Nothing is worse than an angry cat or a destructive hyper dog. A friend of mine had both and I couldn't stand being at his house growing up.


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