Did you have any go...

Did you have any goals for 2022?  

2,461 lotus-flower
Posts: 185
Joined: 3 years ago

Not sure if this has been asked here or not but I am curious to see if people had any goals and how things are going with this thus far. We are just about 2 months in. I have set some goals but honestly, nowhere near reaching them. I kind of got side-tracked so I am going to start officially getting things in gear March.

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2,397 lotus-flower
Posts: 186
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I want to work on getting my website idea off the ground. I have put it off for 3 years now. I started it and just let it slide to the back burner and haven't done anything with it. I think because of COVID, everything got messed up for me so my goals and such were all up in the wind.

389 lotus-flower
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We have gleaned some useful knowledge during the extensive stretch of the pandemic by remaining at home isolated or with a few group. Along these lines, in this sense, we ought to concede that it was critical however the ideal opportunity to design our entire year and put forth 18 Work and Personal Goals to Achieve in 2022.

2,561 lotus-flower
Posts: 185
Joined: 3 years ago

I am focusing on getting into something new and learning new things. I would like to learn Japanese this year as well as learn (well, relearn) the piano. I have not started either yet.

2,548 lotus-flower
Posts: 183
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I am working on some online ideas for myself. I would like to get to a place where I am financially independent. I don't like working for other people because there is a risk there. I am great with working with people and for people but I would much prefer to be on my own and making my own ends.

7,981 lotus-flower
Posts: 495
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Not sure I can do it or not but my goal in this year is get a Topik 4 to find a better job

2,731 lotus-flower
Posts: 205
Joined: 3 years ago

Destress and learn to calm down. I stress too much. I get too worried and let my anxiety overcome me and I need to work on that. 


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