Do you believe in m...

Do you believe in miracles?  

1,641 lotus-flower
Posts: 120
Joined: 2 years ago

I'd like to think I do but fear often gets a hold of me. Right now I am going through something. One of my cats had a medical scare and it may be something serious. I am trying to stay calm and positive but the fear, I just keep crying. I won't know for sure what is happening until tomorrow. I am hoping, praying for a miracle but I don't want my fear to get in the way of this. 

Do you believe in miracles? 

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5 Replies
1,706 lotus-flower
Posts: 126
Joined: 2 years ago

Yes, I do. I believe positive energy and thoughts as well as being grounded in love allows for things to come to be. I feel all humans and animals are connected through a spiritual force greater than ourselves and we can not only help others heal mentally and emotionally but physically too. Stay positive and focus on love energy. Miracles happen every day! 

2,583 lotus-flower
Posts: 185
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I do and I think they happen all the time but many go unnoticed. Even the smallest miracle could be so life changing. 

2,544 lotus-flower
Posts: 203
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I think most people do to a certain degree. I think we have all experience at least one in our lifetimes. As for your cat, stay positive and focus on love. Pray and speak with God if that helps. Anything is possible. 

2,251 lotus-flower
Posts: 180
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I think we have more power in the way we speak and think than we realize and having faith that something can come to pass helps miracles take place but that is just me!

1,696 lotus-flower
Posts: 125
Joined: 2 years ago

Yes! I think that some things happen for a reason but outside of this and things like karma, for me anyways, miracles do exist. I have witnessed a few myself.


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