Ways to better budg...

Ways to better budget my money?  

2,381 lotus-flower
Posts: 185
Joined: 3 years ago

I want to get better at managing my money so I can plan for trips sooner. I have been wanting to go back to Vietnam for some time but I have not been able to afford it. I will have enough saved for the trip and something will come up or I will end up not having the extras, like paying for rent and stays for my pets when I go. Ugg! I need a better way to manage my money. Any tips?

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7 Replies
1,713 lotus-flower
Posts: 125
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Well, you need to figure out your spending habits and find areas where you can cut back. One of the first places to check is how often you eat out and what you spend. I think the average person spends a lot more than they realize on take-out food and drinks. 

1,680 lotus-flower
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Take 2 weeks starting on the day you get paid and write down everything you spend money on. If you get paid twice a month, do it for 4 weeks. See where all your money is going.

2,460 lotus-flower
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Budgeting is all about minimizing your spending and stretching your dollar as far as possible. Most people spend more than they have to and do not realize it because we live in such a materialistic world these days. Outside of your bills and food, what do you spend your money on?

2,385 lotus-flower
Posts: 185
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Set up a second bank account just for saving money. You may need a chunk of money to avoid fees and what not. Once you have one set up, just make a point to move $20 to $50 to that bank account each pay check and don't touch it. Pretend it is not even there. This helped me a lot. 

2,390 lotus-flower
Posts: 186
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I like the idea of having a second bank account just for saving. It has helped me in the past. I am going to be opening another up soon as I want to switch banks. I will just keep the one I have now open as a savings account and use the other new one for spending. 

1,641 lotus-flower
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I am not very good with my money so the only tip I could give you is to set up a savings account at a bank and have it take a percentage of all money that goes into your banking and put it into the savings. So like when you get paid, have 3 to 10% of that be pushing into a savings account. 

1,706 lotus-flower
Posts: 126
Joined: 2 years ago

If you main goal is to save up for a trip to Vietnam or any trip for that matter, then start a funds jar. This helped my friend be able to afford her trip. Just throw money in the jar every week. Even if it is just a few bucks.


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