Vietnam Travel Safe...

Vietnam Travel Safety Tips: How to Stay Safe While Exploring  

7,378 lotus-flower
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Anyone who has ever traveled to Vietnam knows that it can be a wonderfully rewarding experience, but it is also important to be aware of the potential dangers that come with exploring a new country. In this article, we will discuss some of the most common risks faced by travelers in Vietnam, and provide tips on how to stay safe while enjoying all that this amazing country has to offer. photo: Anh Tuan What are…

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2,324 lotus-flower
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Vietnam is a very safe place to visit, but it's important to be aware of your surroundings and avoid certain things like scammers and thieves. Here are some tips for staying safe while exploring this amazing country:

-Don't walk alone outside after dark

-Don't leave your passport in a hotel room when you go out

-Wear comfortable shoes: You'll want these for the long walks through Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, and other cities around Vietnam where you'll be doing most of your sightseeing.

-Carry a small purse: That way if someone tries to steal your wallet or purse, they won't get much cash out of it before running away from the scene!

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2,583 lotus-flower
Posts: 185

@vietzone These are great tips and ones I was going to touch on. I think it is a good idea for women to have some sort of purse or bag that is better secured and that they can wear closer to their chest/front area. It will reduce the odds and chances. 

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2,324 lotus-flower
Posts: 205

@caphekitty I think it's important to remember that we can never be 100% safe from muggers, but we can take steps to reduce the odds of being targeted.

Hope this helps!

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856 lotus-flower
Posts: 77

Vietnam is such an enchanting place to explore! Just gotta be aware of your surroundings and watch out for scammers and pickpockets. Looking back, it's all about staying attentive and trusting your instincts. Happy travels!

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Completely understand the importance of being attentive to your surroundings and avoiding those bothersome scammers. Vietnam is like a treasure trove of mesmerizing experiences! Rely on your instincts and ensure the safety of your valuables. Enjoy your adventures, my buddy! By the way, that street food scene in Hanoi is insanely delicious. Just sayin'!

1,641 lotus-flower
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The risk from viruses seems to be a big one and often is overlooked by new travelers. There is medication and vaccination options but you will likely feel a bit sick after getting those so be sure to plan ahead!

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2,324 lotus-flower
Posts: 205

@pinkcherie yes, drink plenty of water and have a complete meal before your vaccinations. The CDC recommends getting these vaccines before your Vietnam trip: malaria, Hep A, Hep B, Measles, Rabies, Typhoid, etc.

A complete list here:

2,397 lotus-flower
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I think it is a good idea to not travel alone if it is your first time in Vietnam. The culture shock can make you an easy target. I have had friends who liked traveling alone and one got mugged 3 times during his first trip to the Philippines. 

1,755 lotus-flower
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While you can travel alone, I don't think you should. Even if it is not your first time.

So many things could go wrong and people - family, friends - they would have no real way of knowing!

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2,324 lotus-flower
Posts: 205

@nomnomnom I agree, especially if it's your first time traveling.

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These tips for staying safe while exploring Vietnam are quite helpful. It's important to be aware of common risks like malaria, dengue fever, heat-related illnesses, food-related illnesses, and petty theft and taxi scams. Taking precautions such as wearing protective clothing, using mosquito repellent, staying hydrated, and being cautious with food and water consumption can go a long way in ensuring a safe and enjoyable trip.

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Planning a trip to Vietnam? Well, buckle up for an exhilarating ride! Don't forget to arm yourself with mosquito repellent, not only to keep those pesky buzzers at bay but also to rock that fabulous mosquito repellent chic look. And when the heat starts scorching, remember to channel your inner diva and strut around in those breezy outfits like you're walking down a catwalk. Trust me, you'll be the most dazzling traveler in town!


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