Vietnam Travel3 Unique Vietnamese Coffee Drinks: Weasel Coffee, White Coffee and Egg Coffee

Kaylin2 years ago26

In Vietnam, there are three unique coffee drinks that are popular among locals and tourists alike. These drinks offer a different coffee drinking experience than what is typically found in other parts of the world. The Vietnamese people are well-known for their love of coffee, and they have many interesting variations on the traditional drink. Some of these variations include weasel coffee, white coffee, and egg coffee.

white coffee bac xiu

photo: John Spectacle

The most popular Vietnamese coffee you probably heard about is Ca Phe Sua Da which is a type of coffee that is made with Robusta beans, ice and sweetened condensed milk. This is the one that most Vietnamese people drink every day because it’s cheap, delicious, and refreshing. These beans are known for their high caffeine content and strong flavor. The coffee is typically brewed using a small metal drip filter. This method of brewing coffee allows for a slow and steady extraction of the coffee, which results in a strong and flavorful cup of coffee. Vietnamese coffee is often served with sweetened condensed milk, which helps to balance out the strong flavor of the coffee. But did you know there are 3 unique Vietnamese coffee drinks that you should try at least once when you’re in Vietnam? Keep reading to learn more about weasel coffee, white coffee and egg coffee.

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Weasel Coffee (Ca Phe Chon)

weasel coffee vietnam

photo: Elias Sorey

The first of these drinks is Ca Phe Chon, or Weasel Coffee. This coffee is made using coffee beans that have been eaten and then defecated by a weasel. The coffee beans are eaten by the weasel and then excreted. The beans are then collected, roasted and ground to make the coffee. This coffee is said to have a more intense flavor than regular coffee. Contrary to belief, there is no poop flavor in the coffee as the coffee beans are thoroughly cleaned before they are roasted.

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White Coffee (Bac Xiu)

The second unique Vietnamese coffee drink is Bac Xiu, or White Coffee. This coffee is made using a special type of coffee bean that is grown in the highlands of Vietnam. The beans are roasted and then ground to a very fine powder. When water is added, the coffee has a creamy and foamy texture. Unlike Ca Phe Sua Da, Bac Xiu uses more sweetened condensed milk and less dark coffee. This results in a sweeter and less bitter cup of coffee.

Egg Coffee (Ca Phe Trung)

egg coffee vietnam

photo: Taryn Elliott

The third and final unique Vietnamese coffee drink is Ca Phe Trung, or Egg Coffee. This coffee is made by mixing an egg yolk, sweetened condensed milk, and sugar. The mixture is then added to strong black coffee. Ca Phe Trung has a rich and creamy texture, similar to that of a latte. The coffee is sweet and has a slightly eggy flavor.

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These are just three of the many unique and delicious coffee drinks that you can find in Vietnam. The three unique Vietnamese coffee drinks all have different flavor profiles. Ca Phe Chon has a more intense flavor than regular coffee, while Bac Xiu has a creamy and foamy texture. Ca Phe Trung has a rich and creamy texture, similar to that of a latte. All three of these drinks are popular among locals and tourists alike. If you’re looking for a different coffee drinking experience, be sure to try one of these unique Vietnamese coffee drinks. You won’t be disappointed!

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If you ever find yourself in Vietnam, you’ve got to try these three unique Vietnamese coffee drinks. They’re a bit out of the ordinary, but trust me, they’re worth a sip! Have you ever tried any of these delightful concoctions? I’d love to hear your thoughts!


Yes! I have tasted all three of these remarkable Vietnamese coffee drinks, and let me tell you, they are truly captivating concoctions. Each one has its own distinct flavor and is definitely worth a sip! Plus, with all the caffeine, you’ll be energized like a diligent worker in no time.


I have always been a coffee lover and reading about the unique coffee drinks in Vietnam was fascinating. Weasel coffee, white coffee, and egg coffee all sound like interesting and delicious options to try. I can’t wait to experience the different flavors and textures of Vietnamese coffee when I visit!


Vietnamese coffee is definitely unlike any other coffee I’ve had before! It’s fascinating to learn about the different brewing methods and flavors that are popular in Vietnam. Weasel coffee sounds particularly interesting, although I’m not sure I’m brave enough to try it myself! If you’re a coffee lover, I’d definitely recommend giving these unique Vietnamese coffee drinks a try.


@NebulaTiger88 I’ve always been a fan of trying new and unique coffee drinks, and after reading about Weasel Coffee, White Coffee, and Egg Coffee, I’m definitely adding them to my list of must-try beverages!


I apologize for not having tried these unique Vietnamese coffee drinks before. I had no idea that there were so many different types of coffee to explore in Vietnam. Thank you for sharing your knowledge about weasel coffee, white coffee, and egg coffee. I will definitely make an effort to try them when I visit Vietnam in the future.


Vietnamese coffee culture is truly one of a kind, and the three unique coffee drinks mentioned in this article are a must-try for any coffee lover visiting Vietnam for the first time.


As a coffee lover, I am thrilled to learn about the unique and delicious coffee drinks that Vietnam has to offer. Weasel coffee, white coffee, and egg coffee are not only popular but also have unique flavors that are sure to satisfy any coffee enthusiast’s taste buds. It’s fascinating to see how these drinks are made with such creativity and attention to detail. I can’t wait to try them all on my next visit to Vietnam!


Vietnam’s coffee culture is truly one of a kind, and these three unique coffee drinks are a testament to that, from the rich and flavorful weasel coffee to the creamy and sweet egg coffee, there’s something for every coffee lover to enjoy in Vietnam. What do you think about these unique coffee drinks?


@MusicLoverVN I have tried many different types of coffee, but I have never tasted anything quite like the weasel coffee, white coffee, and egg coffee of Vietnam, they are truly unique and delicious!


Oh, Vietnam’s coffee culture is like no other, my friend! I gotta say, these three unique coffee drinks really hit the spot. Weasel coffee, with its rich and flavorful taste, is something you gotta try at least once. And then there’s the creamy and sweet egg coffee, which is like a little slice of heaven. But let’s not forget about white coffee, which has its own special charm. It’s a tough choice, but hey, that’s part of the fun, right? So, what do you reckon about these unique coffee concoctions? Share your thoughts!


Vietnam’s coffee culture is truly fascinating and these unique coffee drinks are definitely worth trying! Although the thought of weasel coffee may seem strange at first, the smooth and flavorful taste makes it a must-try for any coffee enthusiast. And who could resist the creamy and sweet taste of white coffee or the rich and decadent egg coffee? I can’t wait to experience the deliciousness of Vietnamese coffee for myself!


I had no idea that there were so many unique coffee drinks in Vietnam, but the weasel coffee sounds particularly intriguing with its unusual flavor profile.


These three Vietnamese coffee drinks are definitely not your average cup of joe! From the exotic weasel coffee to the creamy egg coffee, each one offers a unique and unforgettable taste that will leave you wanting more. I remember trying egg coffee during my trip to Vietnam and being pleasantly surprised by its sweet and velvety texture.


These Vietnamese coffee drinks are definitely not your average cup of joe! Who knew that weasels could be such connoisseurs of coffee? And egg yolks in coffee? That’s either a bizarre culinary experiment gone right or a pregnancy craving on steroids.


I am so impressed by the rich coffee culture in Vietnam, and this article has given me a great taste of what to expect. The descriptions of Weasel coffee, White coffee, and Egg coffee were mouth-watering and I can’t wait to try them all. I’m grateful for the opportunity to learn about these unique coffee drinks and their significance in Vietnamese culture. Thanks for sharing!


I’ve had Vietnamese iced coffee, which was pretty good. I’m curious about these three. I’d love to try them!


A lot of people don’t realize that Vietnam is very much a coffee lover’s paradise. Similar to France with their fancy drinks and smoking, Vietnam is not much different. I am glad they seem to be cutting back on the smoking though when it comes to the younger generations. 


I have to say, I’m impressed by the sheer number of different coffee drinks you can get in Vietnam.


That’s a pretty cool list! I’ve never heard of weasel coffee or white coffee before, but I’m eager to try it out.


Weasel coffee is tasty! I have only had it a few times. I never tried the coffee where you put the egg in it. That just seems strange to me but I guess this is because I didn’t grow up with it being a normal thing where I live.


I love the three unique Vietnamese coffee drinks you featured in your article! I’ve actually tried weasel coffee before, and I’ve got to say it’s one of my favorite things about visiting Vietnam.


@vietzone I always thought putting an egg in coffee was a strange concept, but after reading about egg coffee, I’m intrigued! Who knew breakfast could be combined with caffeine in such a unique way?


White coffee sounds a lot like Ca Phe Sua Da but just less coffee and more condense milk.


I am not a big coffee drinker so I can’t say I had any of these varieties but I will have to try them next time I am in Vietnam. They sound interesting!


I have had all three and I prefer egg coffee out of them. It has to be fairly sweet but it really does hold you over for the morning.