Any artists here?

Any artists here?  

2,561 lotus-flower
Posts: 185
Joined: 3 years ago

Curious to see if there are any artists here. It can be any kind of art creation as well - digital, paint, drawing, crafting, etc. 

I just want to know what others do when they are lacking inspiration. I want to improve my drawing but I am not sure what to do to get me in the mood for it. I will start something and just leave it after 10 to 30 minutes either scrapping it or just never finishing it.

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5 Replies
3,922 lotus-flower
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When you are full of inspiration, you are energized, you can work very easily, forget to eat or sleep.
One song can help you focus and start working, while another will let you relax and think about something pleasant. Just find music that influences you, and turn it on when you need some inspiration to get to work. That's what I do to stimulate creativity.

2,530 lotus-flower
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I sometimes have issues with this. I like to find music that inspires me. If that doesn't work, I spend time in nature. It sounds simple but it helps a lot. We are meant to be in nature more anyways. At least I feel that way.

2,381 lotus-flower
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This is a lot like writer's block. You need to get out of your own headspace and find inspiration elsewhere. Like suggested, try music or spending time in nature. Something that seems to help me when I need creative help is spending time outside of my house. Shopping, going out to eat, watching a movie, etc. always helps clear my head. 

2,460 lotus-flower
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Yes, I struggle with this from time to time. It helps to just pick a subject and stick with it. Right now I am drawing cats and nothing but cats. I like to focus on this and I try to do 3 to 5 drawings a week. Nothing too time-consuming. I will take inspiration from cat pictures online. 

2,583 lotus-flower
Posts: 185
Joined: 3 years ago

Art is one of those things that I struggle with to keep a creative flow. I find it easier in the summer vs the winter likely because I am out more and doing more things. Maybe getting out of your own space would help? 


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