Are you worried abo...

Are you worried about solar flares?  

2,397 lotus-flower
Posts: 186
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I keep hearing about solar flares. More and more in recent years. There are concerns that they can have an EMP effect, I believe it is called, where technology like phones and computers are rendered useless. Basically, all things transferred via satellite would be gone. 

Are you worried about this?

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1,696 lotus-flower
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I am not entirely sure what they are but I have heard of them. I don't think there is much we can do if they do happen. No one seems to be too concerned over it but I feel like if it were to happen, it would be some sort of military attack and they would blame it on the sun. 

1,600 lotus-flower
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Yes I kind of am. There was a big threat back in 2004 for one to hit and I think it only missed us by something like 14 minutes. I can't remember how they use time for these things but it was very close to knocking out all satellites and radio communication. 

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1,708 lotus-flower
Posts: 124

@sovintage I somewhat remember hearing about this. I think it was around the panic of other things so it got overlooked by most people. I don't think they are as likely to happen though as the people in power say. 

2,104 lotus-flower
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I am not sure we need to be worried so much about these as there are far more likely disasters that can take place here on earth. Like with the shift of the climate, more storms and earthquakes, massive droughts and fires. We have a lot to be worried about that are more likely to happen. 

1,755 lotus-flower
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I think we have the tech to stop them, if people actually wanted to stop them. Part of me thinks they would let it happen and just protect their own computers and communications (the wealthy and powerful of the world). 

2,530 lotus-flower
Posts: 184
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From what I understand of them, they can be dangerous. I am not sure when the last one had happened but do we know what issues it causes? We likely didn't have nearly as much technology when it last happened. 


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