Do work out/exercis...

Do work out/exercise regularly  

735 lotus-flower
Posts: 40
Joined: 3 years ago

Since the Covid-19 and lockdown, I have become very fat. I gained some weight and I am less active than before. I know that once I make a habit of work out on daily basis, it will be second nature. I just want to do something that I enjoy doing. Does anyone stick to a workout/exercise program? How do you do it and stay motivated to keep it up?

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2 Replies
678 lotus-flower
Posts: 45
Joined: 3 years ago

I do yoga regularly. 

2,176 lotus-flower
Posts: 99
Joined: 4 years ago

I work out daily. It's not hard with the pandemic. I just make sure to find other ways of working out to kind of change it up a bit. It helps in case you're ever bored. 


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