The Queen of cover songs Hương Ly released her debut MV titled “Yêu Ai Để Không Phải Khóc” on her official YouTube channel on August 30th, 2019. This ballad song was written by the young and new composer Tiến Hiếu who was born in 1999. As soon as she received this song from Tiến Hiếu, Hương Ly decided to make an MV for it since she saw its melody was very suitable for her....

Hương Ly who is currently the most famous Vpop cover singer in Viet Nam released her first song titled “Chẳng Thể Nói Ra” on August 15th, 2019. “Chẳng Thể Nói Ra” is a gentle ballad song that was composed by Lai Hoàng. The lyrics revolve around the heartache of a girl who has an unrequited love with a boy. She can only stand from a distance and watch her crush love another girl. She can’t...