What is your favori...

What is your favorite meal of the day?  

2,731 lotus-flower
Posts: 205
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Most people have 3 meals a day, those that are busier may have 2 and just have a snack or two in place of a meal. I typically eat 2 meals myself. I will eat breakfast and then dinner. In between that I like to fast a while and will eat something light if I need it. My favorite meals is always dinner as I am usually not hungry in the morning and just eat to fuel my body.

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8 Replies
2,561 lotus-flower
Posts: 185
Joined: 3 years ago

I like breakfast mainly because I like to start my day with something light and warm. I drink coffee or tea and then have a small meal. I guess the only time lunch or dinner would beat this out is if I am having my favorite overall meal which is pho! But to be fair, I can have that for breakfast anyway!

2,548 lotus-flower
Posts: 183
Joined: 3 years ago

I prefer snacks. I know it sounds silly but when I eat meals, I tend to eat too fast and too much but when I am snacking, I am usually doing something else so I don't eat as much. lol

2,335 lotus-flower
Posts: 185
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I will always like dinner the most as you can eat really anything for dinner and it tends to be the biggest meal of the day for me. I like to fill myself up for the evening so I don't feel any desire to snack after.

1,706 lotus-flower
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I like all meals. I make a point to enjoy each meal I have and really take my time. It has helped me eat slower and eat less which has helped me get healthier. I have lost weight and have a different love for food now.

322 lotus-flower
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Definitely dinner. The day is over and you are relax

2,251 lotus-flower
Posts: 180
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Lunch as I get a break from work and a chance to just chill out. When the weather is nice, I will eat my lunch outside and enjoy the sunshine and the birds.  Even if it is a bit colder, I will still go out if it is sunny. 

1,618 lotus-flower
Posts: 119
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I don't really have one. I tend to just enjoy whatever I am eating. I make a point to eat slow and enjoy each bite and I am working on avoiding eating in front of my computer or TV.

Posts: 83
Joined: 1 year ago

I'm a night owl, so dinner is where it's at for me. Give me a big ol' plate of spaghetti and meatballs, a glass of red wine, and I'm good to go.


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