How do you prefer t...

Physical, e-book or audio book? Poll is created on Apr 26, 2022

Poll results: Physical, e-book or audio book?
Voter(s): 7
Poll is created on Apr 26, 2022
Physical book  -  votes: 4 / 57.1%
e-book  -  votes: 0 / 0%
Audio book  -  votes: 3 / 42.9%

How do you prefer to read books? Physical, e-book or audio book?  

497 lotus-flower
Posts: 39
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I know this whole e-reader thing is super popular now, but I just can't get into it. I'm old school: if it's not a physical book, I'm not interested. I like the feel of a book in my hand, and being able to flip through the pages and see where I am in the story. Plus, having a physical book just feels more real to me.

I also like having books on my book shelf to be able to look back on… so many great stories and characters that have shaped my life.

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1,682 lotus-flower
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I like a real book. I have tried reading on a tablet but I just can't get into it. The light ends up bothering me after a while. I would rather have a physical book I can just take with me as well and not have to worry about it losing charge!

1,708 lotus-flower
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I prefer audio books. I have trouble reading in longform. I get bored and my eyes start to sting. Short stories are fine but if I am doing a longer book, I need to be listening to it. 

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2,271 lotus-flower
food: mi-goi
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I prefer audio books too. My audible subscription just renewed today. I can only afford the 1 credit per month subscription but I really like it. A book that may take me days to read can take me 6 hours to listen to.

Also I always listen to my audio books at 1.5X speed so a book that may take 6 hours to listen becomes 3 hours only. It's a pretty neat feature playback at a faster speed. Saves me so much time!

2,104 lotus-flower
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Physical books if I have to read but overall I like to listen while I read. Anyone else do that? I voted for the first one though because I tend to not be able to listen without following along in the book. 

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497 lotus-flower
Posts: 39

@lofire I've actually never heard of doing that! I feel like there's a word for it, but I can't think of what it is.

I'll have to try it out and see if it works for me, but I'm not sure that I could do that. I have a hard time reading while someone else is talking. But maybe if they were reading the same thing?

1,680 lotus-flower
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Audio books for sure. I have tried reading ebooks but I just can't stare at a screen that long. I do enjoy physical books but it can be hard to enjoy a story because I am too busy to just sit down and invest the time to read one. I like to listen to audio books while I am driving, working out, and doing tasks around the house.

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497 lotus-flower
Posts: 39

@haitay I love audiobooks! It's the same for me, I can't stare at a screen for long, but I always have time to listen. I just wish there were more free resources available.

50 lotus-flower
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I prefer to read book on pc by Kindle Reader. I can control the font size and make it comfortable for my eyes and even change font color. i don't have to remember where i kept the book or searching page no thats helpful.

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497 lotus-flower
Posts: 39

@smith21 I think you're right, it can be very helpful to have a Kindle Reader.

I have been thinking about switching to paper books more and more lately, though. I like the idea of being able to read a book anywhere and not having to worry about battery life or storage space. But I also like the idea of being able to change the font size and make it comfortable for my eyes and even change font color on my Kindle Reader. It's nice to have those options!

369 lotus-flower
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Going to the bookshop is something like a nice rutial for me - you dress up, go to the shop, see the books, choosing them... it is a special time. Then you can fully adore the process of reading Smile  

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497 lotus-flower
Posts: 39

@juuuli yeah I love the quiet time when I'm in a bookstore. Pick a book, sip on some coffee and read.


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